Blizzard Entertainment trennt sich von Christie Golden nach über 25 Jahren
Die Autorin und Story-Lead von World of Warcraft bestätigt ihren Abschied über soziale Medien

Blizzard Entertainment hat sich von Christie Golden, der bekannten Autorin und Story-Lead für World of Warcraft, nach über 25 Jahren getrennt. Christie Golden spielte eine zentrale Rolle bei der Entwicklung von Geschichten und Charakteren innerhalb des WoW-Universums. Ihre Arbeit trug maßgeblich zur Tiefe und Komplexität der Spielwelt bei. Dieser Schritt markiert das Ende einer Ära für viele Fans, die ihre fesselnden Geschichten schätzten.
Golden selbst bestätigte die Nachricht über soziale Medien und bedankte sich bei ihren Fans für die jahrelange Unterstützung.
An update: As some of you know, on Jan. 26, my nephew died after a long battle with cancer. Less than 24 hours earlier, I’d been laid off from Blizzard’s Story & Franchise Development team, where I worked on cinematics, song lyrics, short stories, etc. for all of Blizzard’s games. With two life-changing events to deal with at once, I knew I wasn’t ready to speak about anything in a public space, and so stepped away to do some thinking and soul-searching.
The shock was followed by an outpouring of kindness, love, & support from my fellow employees. My relationship with Blizzard is almost 25 years old. In that time, I learned to play video games (I know, right?), traveled the world, created and fleshed out characters that millions love, became a NYT bestselling author, kept food on the table, gained new skills, crafts, and an entire second career, won awards, and met some of the finest humans on the planet.
I will miss many things: breaking story with SFD folks, writing cinematics and song lyrics, working with different teams and people. One thing I’d never experienced previously but grew to love passionately was recording with our incredible voice actors. I’m grateful for these experiences.
And, while I’d enjoy working with Blizzard again in one form or other, until then, many other doors are opening, and I’ve never been in a better position to explore them. A few projects have found me already. Other opportunities will come along as they’re meant to, perhaps including game consulting or full-time employment for the right Triple P combo—Place, People, and Projects. Or something utterly new. I am open to what unfolds.
I’ll close with a line I wrote years ago for our Overwatch character Sojourn, as it’s proved to be prescient and sums up my feelings quite well: “Even the best journeys end. But a new one is just around the corner. And you never know where that road is going to take you.”
I plan to enjoy the journey. –Christie Golden